How Does Tattoo removal work?

We use the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, which is one of the most commonly used laser's for tattoo removal.  The Q-Switched lasers produce a high powered beam of laser light at a speed that is too fast to heat the skin, this very short pulse of light penetrates the skin without breaking it and is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces, your body's immune system then recognises these particles as something that shouldn't be there and attacks them, removing them naturally via the body's own natural elimination system.  A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments.


How is the treatment carried out?

Protective eye shields are provided and the skin will be cleaned. 

The laser applicator is then passed over the tattoo releasing quick pulses of light, an audible clicking noise is often heard as the ink particles break down.

An instant whitening or blistering of the skin is seen after treatment, but this generally fades quickly.  Immediately following the treatment an ice pack will be applied to soothe the treated area.

The area will be tender for a few hours and can be red of swollen for up to 48 hours. A bandage or patch may be used to protect the area and likewise will need to be covered with sunblock when out in the sun during the healing process.

Initially the tattoo is unlikely to look any different but will fade over the next 4-8 weeks as the body disperses it.



Little preparation is required before your treatment.

It is very important that you avoid using sun beds or sunbathing for a least 4 weeks before your treatment.

A reduced blood sugar level can make you feel faint or queasy so its essential that you eat something about an hour beforehand.  A properly balanced meal is best.



After your treatment you most activities can be resumed immediately, however soaking the treated area (e.i bathing or swimming) should be avoided until the treated area is completely healed.

Following your treatment an antibiotic ointment will be applied to the area and a dressing may be used. After treatment you may notice that your skin is red and swollen (it will feel much like sunburn) and it is normal for your skin to blister, this does not indicate potential scarring.  It is essential that you leave any blisters or scab to heal naturally, avoid removing them.  Failing to allow normal healing of the treatment area will increase the possibility of scar formation and can lead to infection.

When showering after treatment the area should be washed gently with a mild soap and thoroughly dried by patting the area.  Special care should be taken not to scrub the area. Cleaning and applying fresh ointment should be continued after treatment

Under normal conditions, the process which breaks down the tattoo ink begins 2 weeks after the laser treatment. The ink will continue to evacuate until about the 6 week post treatment mark. For this reason, treatments are scheduled no closer than 6 weeks apart. 

Will Laser tattoo removal remove my tattoo completely?

Possibly, modern lasers give amazing results but there are no guarantee's. Sometimes the total elimination of the tattoo is not possible.


Are there any colour inks that cannot be removed?

Most colours can be removed completely.  Some colours will require more treatments and even the most challenging colours will usually fade.  On rare occasions certain colours may not be removable.

Black, dark blue, and red tattoos respond really well the laser.  White, yellow, pink and purple are more difficult to remove.


How many sessions will it take to remove my tattoo?

Several treatments may be needed before the tattoo fades enough to no longer be visible.

The number of sessions needed is dependant on the tattoo, ink types, colours used, tattoo depth, tattoo age and skin colour of the client.

5-12 sessions may be required before the tattoo fades completely.

If you only want to fade you tattoo for a new tattoo cover up, you may need only 2-3 sessions depending on what you want to cover it with.


How long should i wait between sessions?

It is recommended a minimum of 4-8 weeks between treatments to achieve the best results.  The laser breaks down the ink so that your body's immune system can remove it, and this takes time.  Treating your tattoo too frequently actually increases the risk of scarring and discolouration; it does not make the ink disappear faster.


How Long does each session take?

Treatment time varies depending upon the size of the tattoo but generally each session can take between 10-45 minutes.


Will laser tattoo removal scar me?

Scarring was an issue of 10 or 15 years ago when the equipment used for tattoo removal was rather primitive.  Generally speaking, lasering does not cause scarring and the active Q switched laser which we use is designed with this in mind.  This laser will not scar the skin for two reasons.  First, the laser does not go deep enough in the skin to cause a scarring response.  Second, the pulse from the laser is so fast that only the tattoo pigmentation is affected and surrounding cells and tissue are left undamaged.  However, it is important that the aftercare is followed.

Sometimes the original tattoo will have caused scar tissue which will become noticeable when the tattoo pigment is removed and we can advise as to this situation prior to removal. There is normally no lasting damage to the skin. Very occasionally, mild changes in skin texture and colour may occur. There can be a change in pigment colour which usually returns to normal after 6 - 12 months


Is laser tattoo removal painful?

Pain is your personal perception and everyone experiences it differently, lasers will cause some discomfort.  Prior to your treatment you can numb the area with an anaesthetic cream, which is available at our studio.


Can i have just part of my tattoo removed?

Yes. Our laser is very accurate, we can take just the name off a piece or remove misspelt letters.


Are there any limitations after the treatment?

Redness and swelling may occur, similar to sunburn. This settles within a few days. Some patients may blister, which is quite normal. Blistering does not require treatment and will usually clear within days. You will receive written aftercare following your treatment.  The treated area should not be exposed to strong sunlight between sessions without the use of sunblock (SPF 50)


What should i do before my treatment?

Do not expose skin to UV or self-tan at least 4 weeks before and/or between treatments.  Avoid microdermabrasion, exfoliating or peels on treatment area for 1 week before treatment.  Apply any numbing cream 1-2 hours before session.